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Adult education for communities helps enhance the quality of community members.         China's community education refers to education carried out by the community workers by use of community resources including libraries, cultural palaces, memorial halls, theaters, national defense education bases, scientific research institutes, schools, training centers and schools for adults. It embodies the rights of community residents to ling-long education. Various communities Making joint efforts to operate communities. do their best to improve the cultural quality of their residents, providing them with the right to life-long study.
        China's community education began in the 1990s. In accordance with the Action Plan for the Rejuvenation of the 21st Education, the Ministry of Education energetically conducts community education and, for this purpose, has set up many experimental areas throughout the country. According to statistics for 2001, China has set up 110
  Qingtan Community School in Changzhou, Jiangsu education experimentation centers, with the number of community education centers (or schools) adding up to 796, playing a positive role to the development of community culture.
        The current community education style of China has an initial form. Some community organizes senior activities, juvenile activities and reading club. The community education with the street office as the center and is called "school without fence"; some community establishes formal community institutes, and recruit students. The community institutes are synthetic community education organizations, which can satisfy the higher study needs of residents. It includes higher professional technical education, adult higher and secondary education, employment training, continuous education and social living education, and divides into degree education and non-degree education. At present, the community institute mainly focuses on vocational education, such as Beijing Dong Hua Men Community Institute, Shanghai Changning Community Institute and Shanghai Jinshan Institute.